Does anyone think the DNS will be replaced in the future?
I mean they've been around for 10 years now which is old by computing standards - im just wonderin gif the search Engine will prevail in the end so when joe bloggs types in any Keyword/PHrase that will just resolve to a search engine listing? and extensions etc wont be needed
I guess that 'domains' will always enable a direct route to a website/webserver bypassing the Search Engines - but how much value is in that for the Majority of domains that are not typ-ins or advertised
I mean they've been around for 10 years now which is old by computing standards - im just wonderin gif the search Engine will prevail in the end so when joe bloggs types in any Keyword/PHrase that will just resolve to a search engine listing? and extensions etc wont be needed
I guess that 'domains' will always enable a direct route to a website/webserver bypassing the Search Engines - but how much value is in that for the Majority of domains that are not typ-ins or advertised