Hi all,
I have decided to temporarily withdraw the sale pending evidence of statistics and earnings by myself.
The website was purchase from a respectable domainer however I did not ask for a history of statistics and earnings. Before I had a chance, the statcounter profile was deleted from his account.
I have been buying and selling websites for a number of years and I do not believe it is fair or responsible for me to place my reputation, or the reputation of the seller, on the line without relevant evidence. I would also not like to pass on a bad investment to anyone as this goes against my principles.
I intend to develop the site, give it a bit of a makeover and get at least one month's stats before I offer it for sale. That way I can offer accurate information and ensure pricing is fair.
Saying that, if anyone is interested in making a blind offer based on the domain name then feel free to do so.
I hope you can all understand, I just want to be a responsible seller.