Children has 12,100 exact local matches and on the face of it should be a great domain to develop for a multitude of purposes....
My only reticence would be the 'sensitivity' shown around such words in today's mixed up world.... the main 'does what it says on the tin' uses would be for looking at or selling children.. of which no doubt neither would be on the spectrum for development...
So there has to be another use.... children's charity, children's activities, advice on having children, parenting....
or alternatively a promotional site for 'The Mission's ' fantastic album!
As for value... as with anything... it's what someone can see the value in it for... it does lend itself to a more charitable / not for profit use and if I was in a position of needing a domain like this I'd look to pay up to middle / high hundreds... but as recent sales on here go, a reseller would probably be looking at paying a lot less
Hope this helps... and it is only MY opinion!....
anyone else?