4 wonderful domain name for e-commerce
i have 4 domain names to sell, which are all short and easy to remmeber. If you want to create your own website
and start your e-commerce business, my domain name is your choice. If you have intersts in them please contact me.
They are listed blow:
Bizmid is made up of biz and mid. Biz is the abbreviation of business and mid means node or point of penetration. So
bizmid means node or penetration point of business. This domain name bizmid.com is cut out for commercial website.
Beckbank is made up of beck and bank. Beck has the meaning of waving to someone to show your care or attention. Beck
is rhyming with bank in alliteration. So beckbank.com is cut out for the website of commercail, especially the
company of finance.
Agencyinchina means the agencies of foreign companies that locates in China. Agencyinchina.com is cut out for the
websites or companies which provide agents or agencies information in Chinese market.
Bbiizz is the double spell of biz. Biz means business. So bbiizz has the meaning of the combination of two business.
Bbiizz.com is the platform of businessman and where they will double win.
My contact Information:
Email:[email protected]
Yours Faithfully
i have 4 domain names to sell, which are all short and easy to remmeber. If you want to create your own website
and start your e-commerce business, my domain name is your choice. If you have intersts in them please contact me.
They are listed blow:
Bizmid is made up of biz and mid. Biz is the abbreviation of business and mid means node or point of penetration. So
bizmid means node or penetration point of business. This domain name bizmid.com is cut out for commercial website.
Beckbank is made up of beck and bank. Beck has the meaning of waving to someone to show your care or attention. Beck
is rhyming with bank in alliteration. So beckbank.com is cut out for the website of commercail, especially the
company of finance.
Agencyinchina means the agencies of foreign companies that locates in China. Agencyinchina.com is cut out for the
websites or companies which provide agents or agencies information in Chinese market.
Bbiizz is the double spell of biz. Biz means business. So bbiizz has the meaning of the combination of two business.
Bbiizz.com is the platform of businessman and where they will double win.
My contact Information:
Email:[email protected]
Yours Faithfully