A prepaid credit card can be used for purchasing like a normal credit card but it is not linked to a bank account. It is the equivalent of a pay as you go credit card. You have to top it up with credit and you can only spend on it up to the value you have in credit in your account. They are useful for people who cannot get a credit card or even a debit card such as a visa debit due to bad credit rating. They are also good for people who cannot control their spending but want a visa/mastercard "credit card", etc. They can also be used by poeple under 18. There is no credit check and you cannot go overdrawn as you cannot spend on the card if it is not in credit.
Yes prepaid credit I think is the proper name for them, however I think prepay credit card is still a good domain to be developed by an affiliate dealing with credit cards.
Thanks for all your replies so far.