Thanx steven,
medicare i don't think is a trade mark, its like words healthcare, childcare... , how can you trade mark them.
I will check any way.
I won't go for a network as u suggested, instead will build 100 minis and develop one main site.
what do u mean by nice looking sites? can you give couple of examples?
i will try to get good, orginal and useful content. Can you pls suggest me the source,
should i put some rss feeds, can i copy good content from various sources like dept of health, wiki...etc
Can you pls suggest various ways to building links?
And finally, is it ok to put same stuff on most of my minis as it will make my life easier?
No, it does not sound like hard work.
HAVE to do something to get something.
what do u think over all, do u think , this small porfolio will be worth something.or at least breakeven. experts advice needed.
and sji can look at my first work at and can give some suggestions all.
Thank you steven