I'd thought about privately messaging this but in the spirit of encouraging views and conversation, I'll post publicly.
At its core, go back to the definition of a forum "a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged."
The approach has not been to allow differing ideas/views.
Based on our previous interactions, you know I just want the right thing to be done.
If I were to post something along the lines of that I think statements from one of the forums sponsors such as:
Are unclear and misrepresenting the offer due to there being domains that are not $49:
See the following guidance from Trading Standards which apply to this scenario:
This is where the owner of the forum and the admin team should not (as have been cases in the past) delete the threads/comments about it. They are discussing something as a community with differing views.
Where your approach has lacked in the past (and even currently) is that you're aiming for this goal of a perfect place to do business, which doesn't exist. By sanitising everything you're killing everything healthy.
Now the other element, and I ask you to not delete this, is that a forum needs to have something that brings it together, take the rise of UKDNF and 4M. They have both grown due to the "tightening the positivity screws". What is Acorn offering as a place to bring users together? It's not a place to discuss any topic openly, in terms of visitors it's probably on par with those other forums. The one thing you do very well (as can be seen from the summit) is you can get attention from companies. Why not encourage them to have representatives that can be publicly queried (even in a negative light). That then brings value to Acorn, the brands have a feedback loop that they wouldn't have anywhere else.
You need to stop approaching this as a technical issue, things such as feeds/newsletter bounce rates etc are not going to build that community.
Finally, as an admin you're meant to be at the core of the community, you should be joining in, where there's issues and complaints you should try and get to the bottom of it, if there's community kick back on something talk with some that you respect on how to deal with it. Deleting content should be the absolute last option, if you've done something wrong admit you've fucked up but do not delete the content. Garner a mutual respect but being willing to learn and improve at what you're doing.