Buying an expensive generic that removes the need for all that branding is like asking turkeys to vote for Christmas.
classic edwin!
so true
also @ namealot
j and j , proctor and gamble etc. were buying up pure one word generics before most companies had even heard of the internet
j and j are particularly savvy and own top top one word generic coms
i think it was proctor and gamble, pretty sure that were the ones (back before the day lol) in early mid 90's that were registering domains at such a rate that they icann or whoever was in charge at time, introduced the annual reg fee
it was free up until 92 i believe, then went up to about $150 a year, it's why some poor sould dropped singl letter coms, mega generics etc
proctor and other firms reaaly believe they have the right to pretty much every word in the english language
companies of this size make telephone number sized cash sums by the hour so they are less pro-active in building out i think. they just want the pure generics to stop competitors and anyone else having, plus getting the traffic
in answer to julians question alo, many of the best domains are simply unavailable
you think barclays are gonna sell
as far as domainers owning top ones. some seem simply to never want to sell, or are extremely difficult to get hold of, or son't get back
imagine trying to go round and get hod of even 100 top domains, even with a barrowload of cash?
also not built out, top generics are rarely a threat, they may think well if it aint been used in 14 years and hasn't sold, fuck it
nice idea though