Thanks for your comment, all feedback is appreciated. I have to agree it is a very mixed bag as far as quality. Quite a few of these have been purchased, others have been caught and others hand regged a good few years back.
We all know domain value can be very subjective with any name being worth what someone is willing to pay. I know from personal experience what some of these names could be worth to an end user having sold similar quality names in the past. If I was setting up a business selling stone fountains I can imagine I'd be happy to pay £1-2k for for example, but I just don't have the time to put in to it reaching out to people like I did a few years ago.
Most of the's have a descent time until expiry so any buyer could decide which ones to let drop, offload some of the lower quality names at low prices to avoid the reg fees, retain the better names ( like the above example ) contacting end users. A couple of such sales would put the buyer in a position where they could potentially acquire a good number of descent names and also cover the reg fees. The remaining names can then be sold on in batches or to end users as and when for a guaranteed profit.
I obviously don't think so, but you could be right about the price? If it turns out that I'm asking too much then the price may be reduced. ( It's irrelevant but they probably cost me more than I'm asking, and that's without the renewal fees ).