If you're interested - I've put a price list up for my company's domains:
If you see a bargain, please fire away with a PM/email - timestamps govern, first come, first served.
Note all prices need VAT adding - and I won't be haggling as I've just done a discounting exercise - so no offers please.
Cheers, Nick.
-----'s from same:
bmp 2795
cgw 2295
dge 2195
ext 1795
fez 2395
ggp 2195
hmc 2695
inl 2695
meb 2795
msp 2795
omd 2495
pmh 2495
san 2395
sob 1895
ssf 2195
ttl 2495
wci 2495
If you're interested - I've put a price list up for my company's domains:
If you see a bargain, please fire away with a PM/email - timestamps govern, first come, first served.
Note all prices need VAT adding - and I won't be haggling as I've just done a discounting exercise - so no offers please.
Cheers, Nick.
-----'s from same:
bmp 2795
cgw 2295
dge 2195
ext 1795
fez 2395
ggp 2195
hmc 2695
inl 2695
meb 2795
msp 2795
omd 2495
pmh 2495
san 2395
sob 1895
ssf 2195
ttl 2495
wci 2495