21sex.com is an old domain from 2001 without interruptions.
21sex.com is really a good domain for branding the website,is really simple word,easy for remember.
It is a good domain with the keyword"21sex" with avg monthly searches 10k - 100k
and the keyword " 21sex.com" with avg monthly searches 1k - 10k
We can say much about this domain : you can build a brand or anything else.
The question is : Why to pay so much money for "sex" advertising ?
With 21sex.com you can get a lot of visitors searching by "sex" "1M – 10M searches/month"
I made some searches and i found for example that the domain 24porn.com sold for $15 000 in 2013 and the keyword " 24porn" get the same searches/month as 21sex
24porn.com is old from 2008.
21sex.com is much older then 24porn.com, is 2001 old domain and you know that google like the old domains.
So i appreciate it somewhere at the price of $21 000,but im sure that you as an adult company will see the best potential of 21sex.com domain and you will reply me with an offer that will fit your calculations.
I am open to any discussion so you can PM me with a directly offer without further negotiation.
21sex.com is really a good domain for branding the website,is really simple word,easy for remember.
It is a good domain with the keyword"21sex" with avg monthly searches 10k - 100k
and the keyword " 21sex.com" with avg monthly searches 1k - 10k
We can say much about this domain : you can build a brand or anything else.
The question is : Why to pay so much money for "sex" advertising ?
With 21sex.com you can get a lot of visitors searching by "sex" "1M – 10M searches/month"
I made some searches and i found for example that the domain 24porn.com sold for $15 000 in 2013 and the keyword " 24porn" get the same searches/month as 21sex
24porn.com is old from 2008.
21sex.com is much older then 24porn.com, is 2001 old domain and you know that google like the old domains.
So i appreciate it somewhere at the price of $21 000,but im sure that you as an adult company will see the best potential of 21sex.com domain and you will reply me with an offer that will fit your calculations.
I am open to any discussion so you can PM me with a directly offer without further negotiation.